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Aloha! I’m so glad you’re here.
Let me introduce myself — I’m the founder of Scentsible Yoga, The Scentsible Tribe & Scentsible Lifestyle Association. I believe that we belong together in communities of sacred practice.
I host Global Retreats, Private Sessions, Group Events and Courses - in person and virtually. My deepest intention is to empower you to engage all your senses as a portal to intuitive flow, a place of wholeness from which you can live your highest potential.
My meaningful work as an Ordained Minister is manifested because of the Grace of the Divine that is present in all beings, including the elements of nature, plants, crystals, sound, light and thought. I rest in the frequency of Gratitude and am so thankful for you and anyone who joins me on this mysterious and beautiful journey of life we are on.
I am a life-long student of the ancient esoteric teachings of my ancestors that spirals into and out of the void or WuJi, where Source Energy is formless light. My loving heart is the portal into this way of life, a concept so familiar that the remembrance is a felt sense of the truth ringing through my bones, a resounding gift from my ancestors. In this harmonious way of life, the Dao is the flourishing of Nature herself.
Read about my educational certifications here.
My heartfelt wish is for you to ground
into a sense of simplicity
as a way of life
through gratefully receiving
the abundance we have been gifted with
Learn More - Story

From seeking perfection to embracing purity.
I used to believe that I needed to get "to the top" to be "somebody." I grew up in a household that lived for the future. The regular topics of discussion centered around the need to be highly educated so we could have successful careers.
Being ambitious became a pursuit of perfection. I have a vivid memory of crying for hours when I was 10 years old upon discovering that I did not achieve the 5 out of 5 possible As in a statewide exam. The 4 As I received were unacceptable to my childish mind. The term "you are useless" was directed at me often. It rang in my head persistently on that day that I remember so well.
My life became a quest to prove that I was NOT useless.
For 25 years I worked relentlessly hard. I landed my first job right out of university in the finance industry and was on a prestigious career path that very few could hope to secure. I felt I was in perfect control of my life's trajectory...or so I thought.
The road to embracing purity instead of seeking perfection was painful, caused mostly by my own unkind thoughts. I was ridden with fear and feelings of unworthiness. Isn't ironic that we can be so accomplished in the eyes of society yet feel so small and unloveable inside?
Today, I am in a space of inner peace within myself. What can I attribute this transformation to? The whisperings in my heart. The symptoms my body sent to speak to me. Collectively, they woke me up to be more present in my life and to make choices that honor my health above all.
One step at a time. One breath at a time.
Listen to my "butt kicking" awakening:
Rewriting My StoryLeeYen
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