Learn how to release and reprogram your response to emotions. Feelings are like ocean waves. You can ride the wave and be on top of the world, or slammed by the wave and even pulled underwater with the undertow. We are all too familiar with the negative side of emotions, but the positive side is generally some vague thing out there somewhere. If you don’t even know what the positive side of an emotion is, how can you choose to express it when you are in the middle of a negative emotional experience? An ideal place to start when taking personal responsibility for your emotions is the default emotion of Anger. Anger occurs when a moving energy is blocked or encounters an obstacle. The obstacle may be a challenge or a warning. The affirmation gives you the guidance to determine which way out, as well as, what you need to learn from the experience and why you attracted it. The Everyday Oils Collection contains the oils: Purification - for the transmutation of anger and negative or erroneous thoughts, Lemon - for frustration and sadness, Peppermint - for failure and restriction. Plus 7 other oils associated with the most commonly experienced emotions.
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