Essential oils are the life-blood of plants - the oxygen carrying substance. They fight infection, contain hormone-like compounds and initiate regeneration in the cells among thousands of other things.
What our blood does for us, that's similar to what an essential oil does for the plant. Plants rely on the essential oils to grow and adapt to their environment.
According to researchers in Washington using Tainio Technology, the vibrational frequency of essential oils are the highestof any natural substance known to man.
My deepest knowing is that the Song of Spirit lives in the Essence of Plants.
Beauty & Skin
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Household Cleaning
Relaxing into a state of compassion and understanding for ourselves and others
Cleansing & Detox
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Libido and Oils
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
First Aid with Essential Oils
Merging into Light from Source and creating from a harmonic and coherent frequency of love from our hearts
Immunity Support
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Oils of the Bible
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Pain Management
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Stress Management
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Oils & Emotions
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence
Nutrition & Essential Oils
Living with an empowered trust in our bodies as sacred temples of healing intelligence