Aloha! My meaningful work in this lifetime is to walk hand in hand with beautiful souls like you; creating sacred space for us to feel safe, supported and relaxed.
I am passionate about facilitating experiences where those who are ready to receive the love and compassion from the Divine, are able to heal through a surrendered process of inner alchemy that harnesses the intelligence of our body which is our sacred temple in this lifetime.
As a Reverend, I work in partnership with Plant Spirits, Crystal Angels and Sound Vibrations in order to awaken, attune and activate our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.
Soul Coherence is our natural state when we are in unity with the light within us that is the same light of the cosmos. In this state of unity, we are more able to respond to the opportunities that are shown to us as we exist in a state of beingness and receptivity.
Our sense of Inner Peace and Purpose emerges when we find our Wholeness in the Integration of the Heart with Matter and Spirit, as guided by our Chakras and inspired through the multi-dimensional layers of our Being.
My meaningful work includes leading soul attunement sessions to find coherence within. Being in attunement with our soul and the cosmos includes living in rhythm with the Universal Song that is represented by the sacred geometry and movement of the stars, moons and planets.
You are invited to join me in person or virtually to experience Soul Coherence Guidance.
PhD Student: Depth Psychology with Emphasis in Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices - Pacifica Graduate Institute
Masters in International Environmental Policy and Management of Non-Profit Organizations - UC San Diego
Ordained Minister trained by Soul Awakenings - Reverend Sandra Harrick
Certified Coach Trainer: Emotional Wisdom with Essential Oils - Carolyn L. Mein. D.C
Spiritual, Medical and Martial Qi Gong Shifu Master Teacher of Dragon Gate Sanctuary - Christopher Lee Matsuo, LAC
Certified Wayfinder Life Coach - Martha Beck, PhD
Gene Keys Guide - Richard Rudd
Licensed Spiritual Healer - Federation of Spiritual Healer License Boards
Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist with Natural Therapies Board - Center for Aromatherapy Research & Education
Certified Aromatherapy Coach with Natural Therapies Board - Aromatherapy Coach Intensive
Certified 200-hr Yoga Teacher - ISHTA Yogiraj Alan Finger
Aroma Yoga Certified Teacher - Tracy Griffith
Diamond Leader & Brand Partner - Young Living Essential Oils
Certified Nutrition Consultant - NHI College Natural Healing Institute
Certificate of Completion: Psychedelics and Depth Psychology: Treatment and Transformation in an Animated Cosmos - Pacifica Graduate Institute

I can honestly say this experience has been beyond anything I've ever encountered before, beyond any expectation I had. LeeYen's knowledge and understanding is so complete, far beyond anyone I've ever met, and her compassionate approach is key to helping me take in her wisdom.I cannot think of anything she could improve on. Though I can think of many people I have met who could be improved by being more like LeeYen! (joking but not joking)